Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I still use talcum powder, I adore the parfum of it!

Fabulous dressing tables

I love all these little things..

Vintage 1930s Ivorine Flowers Powder Compact

and..these so original Private Circle's dressing lamps

greetz girls!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

some bags...

some lovely bags...

these are all made with original vinatage journals and magazines
by http://www.momaboma.it/

vinage inspired bags by http://www.freddyandma.com/

Have all a good weekend!
Tonight there is a WinterJamboree evening! I 'll go swinging... ;-))
lovely greetz from tiz

Monday, April 20, 2009

so cool!

Hello! Hope you're all fine!
Spring is arriving and that means Vespa-Time!
Aren't these the most beautiful helmets you have ever seen?!
My favorite is the helmet 'à pois'!Adorable x

Saturday, April 18, 2009

this is me

I'm feeling this way...

Kari Herer photography

pics from glamour


marieclaire maison

Thrush on etsy

greetz x

Thursday, April 9, 2009

a special thought

There are no words to describe this disaster.
When I felt the quake that night I had no idea of the gravity.Where I live we do feel all the earthquakes of these days, not so strong, but I can assure you that it is a terrible feeling.I can't imagine the fear, desperation and pain of the people in Aquila and the other little towns around it.
A special thought to:
all the students and so young childeren, to all the persons who have lost their family, house...everything, to the fantastic people, doctors, firemen,nurses etc.who are working non- stop since monday.
You are all in my heart.

greetz x