Sunday, August 16, 2009

Day 2 SJ

Goodmorning to everybody!
Yesterday was a special day, look who came visit me... The 'oh so charming' Anna from the cupcake diary. She is so lovely and so beautiful...It is an honor for me..Thank you Anna! And thank you for the so beautiful gifts, I was so impressed. Grazie veramente di cuore...

These are the gifts from Anna for me, all handmade by her. Soon you will find everything in her etsy shop.

Little detail from the Summer Jamboree....In vespa from Germany!

greetz x


AlicePleasance said...

Oh, sei troppo gentile :-) Probabilmente ci vediamo anche domani pomeriggio, così ti porto un po' di cosine. Ti mando un messaggio domani, intanto buon divertimento!

Anonymous said...

siete bellissime!!!Beate voi, non riesco a venire al jamboree nemmeno quest'anno..